Home, Auto, Life, & More
One catastrophic event could put you in serious debt, whether it is something as common as a car accident or something less likely, like a hurricane. Personal lines insurance refers to any type of insurance that protects you and your covered loved ones personally. Some policies you may be familiar with like homeowners, renters, and automobile. If you enjoy life’s extra joys you can obtain coverage for motorcycles, classic cars, and boats. Basically, personal lines of insurance offer peace of mind for your everyday life.
Some types of personal insurance, such as liability insurance for autos, are often required by law. Things like required minimum levels are common and can vary by where you live, your age or your credit score. Other types of personal lines insurance, such as comprehensive and collision automobile insurance and homeowner’s insurance, may be required by lenders when a property is used as collateral for a loan.
These factors as well as the amount you are willing to pay in premiums—the more someone is willing to pay, the more insurance can be obtained. Policies can usually be tailored to balance between the amount of coverage requirements, your personal needs, and the cost of premiums.
It is particularly important to routinely evaluate the various policies you have to ensure they pass the personal lines insurance test. To make sure you have enough, look at your savings and whether it would cover you if you had a significant loss. With auto insurance, for instance, you’ll look at how much health insurance you have to cover your own medical bills if you were seriously injured in an accident, then get enough to cover the car and the estimated cost of injuries or loss to other parties. There are always life changes which may cause reevaluation of your current policies.
Personal lines insurance will not cover every single risk you might face, but they can dramatically reduce the liability for damages and the dollar amount that might have to be paid out of pocket to remedy an unfortunate situation. Personal insurance covers many aspects of our lives from property insurance to life insurance to disability BEW Financial Solutions is here to help you every step of the way.