What Should I Know About the COVID-19 Vaccination?
So many questions are arising about the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination. When can I get one? Where? Is it safe? Here are some answers and resources to find additional information! Who Can get the Covid-19 Vaccine? The answer to this question usually refers to phases and where you fall into them. Phases are suggested groups, loosely guided by the federal government that states use as priority guidelines for who should receive the vaccinations and when. The aim with the phases is to control the spread of the virus while aiding in the preservation of basic function of society. In other words, the higher-priority groups are people who are at higher risk with severe COVID-19 symptoms or death and people who are needed to continue working. As we move through the phases, the populations become less at risk or less necessary during the current crisis. The general phases and groups are: Phase 1-A Residents in Care Facilities and Health Care Personnel Phase 1-B People 75 and up and Frontline Essential Workers Phase 1-C People 65-74 or 16-64 with High-Risk and Other Essential Workers Phase 2 General Population-People 16 and up without High-risk conditions When Can I Get the COVID-19 Vaccine? Due to the decentralized approach of the current COVID-19 vaccination rollout and the supply of available vaccines it is difficult to estimate about when you will have the ability to get vaccinated. Your doctor may also be able to help you find out when you’ll be eligible. Where Can [Read More...]